
Beneath the canvas of tranquility, silence reigns,
A symphony of quietude, where peace sustains.
In the hallowed hush, a world unfolds,
Whispers of serenity, stories yet untold.

The absence of sound, a language profound,
In its stillness, mysteries are found.
Nature’s pause, a breath held tight,
Synchronous silence, soft as moonlight.

Echos of thoughts in the quiet expanse,
A meditation in silence, a mindful dance.
The world in repose, a moment to reflect,
Silent introspection, where the mind connects.

No need for words, in this quiet domain,
Silence speaks volumes, a serene refrain.
In the tapestry of hush, emotions mend,
Synchronous silence, a peaceful blend.


In the stillness of night, and longing sighs,
For moments gone, and distant skies.
A wordless ache, a silent plea,
Saudade in my heart, like the deep blue sea.

The touch of breeze, whispers of time,
In the tapestry of memories, they softly chime.
Though they’ve slipped away, those days of old,
Saudade’s embrace, a story untold.

Echoes of laughter, tears that were shed,
In the annals, they’re never dead.
A silent witness to the life known,
In my heart, saudade’s presence has grown.

Unspoken words, in shadows they hide,
Their touch guides me, like the ebbing tide.
With each fleeting moment, they remain,
In the language of longing, in saudade’s gentle chains.