
In the depths of my soul, where memories reside,
A tender remembrance of a love that never died.
Ten years have passed since you left this earthly shore,
But the ache in my heart, it lingers evermore.

Oh, dear Dad, how I miss your warm embrace,
The strength in your presence, the smile on your face.
You were my guiding light, my pillar of strength,
And without you, life’s journey feels a bit too bent.

Your wisdom, like a beacon, lit my darkest nights,
Your gentle words of courage, my source of respite.
You taught me to be brave, to stand tall and proud,
To cherish every moment, in silence or aloud.

I remember the laughter we shared, the stories we told,
How your love wrapped around me, like a mantle of gold.
You held my dreams with care, nurturing them so,
With your unwavering belief, helping me to grow.

But now, the world feels different, devoid of your touch,
And my heart yearns for you, oh, so much.
Yet, in the quiet corners of my weary soul,
I find solace in the memories that console.

For though you are gone, your spirit lives on,
In the gentle whispers of the wind, at dawn’s first yawn.
I see glimpses of you in the twinkling stars above,
Reminding me of your eternal, unwavering love.

On this solemn day, as I light a candle’s flame,
I honor your memory, and softly speak your name.
Though tears may fall, and sorrow may ensue,
I find solace in knowing, Dad, that I am a part of you.

So, here’s to you, dear Dad, on this anniversary,
A tribute to the love that will forever carry.
In my heart, your legacy will forever reside,
Until the day we reunite, on the other side.

Rest in peace, beloved Appa, in heaven’s embrace,
Your love remains with me, a never-ending grace.
Though the years may pass, and time goes by,
Your spirit lives on, and in my heart, you’ll never die.


There is something undeniably captivating about train journeys. From the cadenced clatter of wheels on tracks to the ever-changing landscapes passing by, trains have a unique way of capturing our imagination and invoking a sense of wanderlust. As a child, train rides were filled with excitement, adventure, and the anticipation of new discoveries. Now, as an adult, I find myself reminiscing about those cherished memories of a long ago.

I can still vividly recall the sheer joy and wonder that filled my heart as I embarked on train adventures during my childhood. The hustle and bustle of people at the station, anticipation of finding that perfect seat by the window, and the thrill of hearing the engine’s horn echo through the air—all contributed to the magic of the journey ahead.

Peering out of the window, I would watch as the world outside transformed before my eyes. Rolling hills, vast meadows, and charming villages would pass in a blur, each holding a story waiting to be unraveled. The rocking motion of the train would lull me into a sense of tranquility, as if time itself had slowed down.

Train journeys were not just about the destination but the entire experience. The conversations with fellow passengers, the tantalizing aromas wafting from the tiffin boxes, and the occasional glimpse of cattle in the distance created a tapestry of memories that are etched in my mind forever.

And now my train journey has taken on a different meaning. It has become moments of reflection and introspection amidst the chaos of daily life – a welcome respite from the constant demands of the digital world. There is solace in gazing out of the window and watching the world go by. The passing landscapes serve as a gentle reminder of the ever-changing nature of life itself. My chance to escape from the distractions and immerse myself in the present moment.

The familiarity of the sights and sounds evoke a comforting sense of nostalgia, reminding me of the carefree days of my childhood. Until next time…